Rolling with you | 2022 | Branded Content

Rolling with you brings us closer to love in all its forms and expressions. Love for the family, for couples, for friends, for those who are there and those who are missed. But also love for nature, for our planet and for taking care of what surrounds us. Promotional short film for ROLSER.


Promotional Short Film | Feel Good | Branded Content | 2022


Director: Vicent Monsonís
Writer: Vicent Monsonís
DOP: Ismael Issa (AEC)
Casting: Manuel Puchades
Sound: Godfader
Edition: Javi López
Music: Vincent Barrière / Rick Treffers
Art: Fino Monsonís
Wardrobe: Ana Llorca
Make up artist: Fina Espert, Gisela Fambuena
Production: Terra a la Vista


Bruno Tamarit, Sara Guerrero, Carmen Ibáñez, Rick Treffers, Sol Barrado, Estela Domínguez, Rebeca Artal, Robert Estrela, Alejandra Mandli, Miguel Minguet, Jonathan Knowles & Emma Knowles